Pedagogical Strategies oriented to environmental education

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Laura Elena Dzambeya Rodriguez
Ernesto Emilio Andarcio Betancourt


Environmental education in our education system has had positive repercussions regarding student awareness. However, this problem involves a necessary approach of the university pedagogical positions to achieve the necessary effect. The purpose of this work is to make known the pedagogical contributions related from three angles: the currents in environmental education, the didactic approaches and the methodological strategies. The methodology used starts from the bibliographic review of seminal articles and government reports to progressively guide the search towards articles in high impact journals. Therefore, it is intended that the research constitutes a base in the elaboration of more inclusive and interdisciplinary programs from the teaching of environmental education in a university context. Finally, the research work allowed identifying the different strategies related to the models worked in national and international educational environments that have made possible the effectiveness of environmental education teaching and its impact on sustainable development.

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How to Cite
Dzambeya Rodriguez, L. E., & Andarcio Betancourt, E. E. (2020). Pedagogical Strategies oriented to environmental education. Forestry and Environmental Sciences, 5(1), 32–42. Retrieved from
Scientific Original Article


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