The objective of this journal is to disseminate scientific results related to the forestry and environmental work of university students from Cuba and the world. Through it, it will be possible to increase exchanges with prestigious national and international schools and forestry institutions, which will favor collaborative and internationalization actions.
It arises as a proposal by the Ministry of Higher Education (MES) for the creation of a system of digital scientific journals for Cuban universities and as a response to an agreement by the VIII Congress of the Federation of University Students (FEU). The journal Forest and Environmental Sciences. CIFAM is one of the eleven publication spaces included in that system.
The magazine will be published every six months and corresponds to the months of March and October and will be published in electronic format on the UPR Intranet, the National Network and the Internet. It publishes its articles in Spanish, also having the title and abstract in English.
It is an open access publication and its principle is to publish research free of charge to the entire educational community, promoting a greater exchange of global scientific knowledge. Which means that all of its content can be accessed freely and at no cost to the user or their institution.
It can be found at: https://cifam.upr.edu.cu/index.php/cifam/index
This magazine does not charge any type of fee or charge for publication. Likewise, CIFAM assumes the Creative Commons 4.0 License License.
The journal is in favor of Open Science and therefore receives manuscripts from preprint repositories or that promote the placement of research data in dataservers, among other manifestations.
The use of: https://preprints.scielo.org/index.php/scielo/login
Current Issue
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): January-june