Proposal for a Plan of Integral Handling in a basin hydrographical. It leave I

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Aleida Torres Trujillo
Rosmely Ochoa La Puente


The present investigation was developed in near areas to the basin hydrographic of the river Cuyaguateje that is adjacent with facilities like the Integral Forest Enterprise (EFI) Macurije located in the most western region in the county of Pinar del Rio, embracing parts of cough territories of the municipalities Guane and Mantua with the objective of projecting the handling of a basin hydrographic observing the principles of the sustainable human development. The carried out study began initially with a recognition of the area to identify the main ones characteristic and general conditions in that is the basin basing us on the observation of the potential resources of the area through the support of maps and air pictures. It was carried out the rising of seven parcels using the simple random sampling method. The index dasomètricos was determined in the area. To project the proposal of the handling of the basin hydrographic after having taken the data, they were carried out the corresponding calculations. It was used mensuration instruments like the Forcípula and the tape diametric. Is they used the maps of the company, the existent ordination books and the use of software (Microsoft Office Word 2010, Microsoft Office Exel 2010, Microsoft Office Power point 2010, SINFOMA 3). With this study was proven that great part of the problems that presents the basin is occurred for the man's actions, for the inadequate use that gives to the floor, and for the ignorance that has about the benefits that can obtain of this.

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How to Cite
Torres Trujillo, A., & Ochoa La Puente, R. (2017). Proposal for a Plan of Integral Handling in a basin hydrographical. It leave I. Forestry and Environmental Sciences, 2(1), 11–20. Retrieved from
Scientific Original Article
Author Biographies

Aleida Torres Trujillo, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hnos Saíz Montes de Oca".

Estudiante Ingeniería Forestal Quinto Año.

Rosmely Ochoa La Puente, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hnos Saíz Montes de Oca".

Estudiante Ingeniería Forestal Quinto Año.


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