Structure and composition of the vegetation of two pinewoods of Pinus caribaea Morelet and their relationship with the diversity of associated bird

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Meiely Arteaga Nuñez


This research was carried out at the Viñales Agroforestry Experimental Station, with the aim of relating the diversity of birds associated with two pine forest areas, with the composition and structure of the vegetation. A natural area of Pinus caribaea and a plantation of the same species were chosen, to compare both, 4 circular plots were established in each, with a fixed radius of 15 m. The plant species present in each plot were inventoried, measuring the height and diameter of the trees, as well as the birds present in each plot, in the months of January and February 2018, were inventoried. Both for the vegetation and for the birds determined alpha diversity (á), vertical stratification. The Kruskal-Wallis mean comparison test was performed to determine if there were differences between the richness and abundance values of the birds detected, between the strata and the sampled months. A Spearman correlation matrix was used to determine the relationship between birds and the measured vegetation variables. A total of 18 bird species were identified, which were grouped into 5 orders, 11 families and 16 genera. Most of the species were permanent residents, consuming insects and grains, there was no significant difference in the richness and abundance of species between the months and the plots, existing between the high stratum with the medium and low stratum. There is little relationship between the measured vegetation variables and the bird species.

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How to Cite
Arteaga Nuñez, M. (2018). Structure and composition of the vegetation of two pinewoods of Pinus caribaea Morelet and their relationship with the diversity of associated bird. Forestry and Environmental Sciences, 3(2), 193–206. Retrieved from
Scientific Original Article
Author Biography

Meiely Arteaga Nuñez, Universidad de Pinar del Río «Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca»

Estudiante de Ciencias Foretales


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