Potentialities of retention of carbon and nitrogen in the patrimony of the Integral Forest Company Macurije of the county of grove Pine of the River. Cuba

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Yailen Díaz Monterrey
Héctor Barrero Medel


In this paper the capabilities of carbon sequestration is estimated components: bole and necromass soil and the nitrogen by species, in the equity of the Integral Forestal “Macurije” in the province of Pinar del Rio, Cuba. This registration of forest inventory and forest dynamics of this company and the methodology for estimating the carbon and nitrogen of the forest estate was used. As a result identified in the forests of the EFI Macurijes, carbon reservoirs of great importance to the province of Pinar del Rio, where the plant formation of Pinus caribaea (var. caribaea) and Pinus tropicalis its main protagonists. The predominant vegetation of Integral Forestal “Macurije” retained in their total biomass 413.9 3284 t / C in the pine forests, 800 750.9 t in deciduous forests on acidic soil. Moreover, the estimation of carbon and nitrogen species is a useful tool for forest management in the selection of planting sites.

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How to Cite
Díaz Monterrey, Y., & Barrero Medel, H. (2017). Potentialities of retention of carbon and nitrogen in the patrimony of the Integral Forest Company Macurije of the county of grove Pine of the River. Cuba. Forestry and Environmental Sciences, 2(2), 220–233. Retrieved from https://cifam.upr.edu.cu/index.php/cifam/article/view/102
Scientific Original Article
Author Biographies

Yailen Díaz Monterrey, Universidad de Pinar del Río “Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca”.

Estudiante Ingeniería Forestal. Quinto año.

Héctor Barrero Medel, Departamento Forestal, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca".

Doctor en Ciencias Forestales. Profesor Titular.


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