Actions for silvicultural restoration of woody species in a rain forest degraded forest

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Yadián Aguilera Zapata


The work was carried out from October 2014 to March 2015, in a mountain rain forest, belonging to the UEB Cayo Güin, municipality of Baracoa, Guantanamo province, with the aim of designing actions for the silvicultural restoration of woody species of economic value more affected in the degraded rain forest, with an area of 172.22 ha, where 11 plots of 500 m2 were randomly distributed throughout the area. A study of alpha and beta diversity was carried out. A total of 25 families, 36 genera, 38 species and 2 275 individuals corresponding to the herbaceous, shrub and arboreal stratum were identified. The most representative families were Lauraceae, Clusiaceae and Fabaceae. The species that resulted in the lowest relative abundance were Peltophorum dubium and Andira inermis with 0.044 %, while Ocotea cuneata, Peltophorum dubium, Andira inermis, Ocotea leucoxylon had the lowest relative frequency with 8.3 %, respectively, with the lowest relative dominance, only 0.03 for Celtis trinervia. The species most affected in terms of the reduction of the number of individuals were Sloanea curatellifolia and Andira inermis, as well as the species Alchorea latifolia, Buchenavia capitata and Micropholis polita, which are typical of this type of forest formation but were not present in the survey carried out. A proposal was made for the silvicultural restoration of the species with the highest degree of affectation in natural regeneration.

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How to Cite
Aguilera Zapata, Y. (2018). Actions for silvicultural restoration of woody species in a rain forest degraded forest. Forestry and Environmental Sciences, 3(1), 42–49. Retrieved from
Scientific Original Article
Author Biography

Yadián Aguilera Zapata, Universida de Guantánamo, Facultad Agroforestal

Departamento de Ciencias Forestales, Estudiante


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