Quality of positions Micropholis polita (Griseb.) Pierre (sapodillo) grown in nursery

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Dianelis Matos Gamboa


The work was conducted in the nursery of the Faculty Agroforestal on the date falls from March 2014 to June 2016, with the aim of assessing the quality of postures Micropholis polita (Griseb.) Pierre cultivated in nurseries, with the application of Microorganisms efficient and Fitomas-E, a simple random sampling was used, three treatments were formed. The data were statistically processed with STATISTICA 8 package in Windows environment. Significant when assessing morphological attributes, in the case of the height and diameter at the root collar difference it was obtained. The products exert positive effects in the long taproot, the best results shown in the three treatment, as for the number of secondary roots, shoot dry weight, root dry weight and total dry weight, showing significant difference with the rest treatments, where the values obtained are higher. In morphological indices best results are obtained in treating two, since a decrease in values between these relationships being the case between air dry root weight, the balance water plants, this not being is achieved the slenderness case, that the best results shows one treatment.

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How to Cite
Matos Gamboa, D. (2018). Quality of positions Micropholis polita (Griseb.) Pierre (sapodillo) grown in nursery. Forestry and Environmental Sciences, 3(2), 150–158. Retrieved from https://cifam.upr.edu.cu/index.php/cifam/article/view/80
Scientific Original Article
Author Biography

Dianelis Matos Gamboa, Universidad de Guantánamo, Facultad Agroforestal

Departamento de Ciencias Forestales, Estudiante


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