Characteristics and composition Woodland Santa Lucia community, Minas Matahambre, Pinar del Río

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Daily Ilieva Rojas Gonz


The People's Council Santa Lucia, in the municipality Minas de Matahambre, has an area of 16 km2, roughly divided two deals. For the inventory were selected trees present in the green areas including private gardens, public gardens, flower beds, parks and small forests. It identified major tree species present in the community, identifying them by their scientific name and classifying them into exotic, native and endemic. It highlighted the Woodland plant health as well as the presence of mechanical damage. In the green areas are present 22 species, distributed in 14 families, of which are exotic: auctotonas and introduced. The forest Marti has established 30 species predominate. The most common species in the study area were: Terminalia catappa, Cocos nucifera, Mangifera indica, Bursera simaruba. The presence of traditionally used as ornamental species is reduced. Local people recognize the importance of urban trees. Management proposals are aimed primarily at replacing diseased and damaged trees auctótonas species in the area, which provisionally maintain proper harmony with the urban environment and improve aesthetics.

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How to Cite
Rojas Gonz, D. I. (2015). Characteristics and composition Woodland Santa Lucia community, Minas Matahambre, Pinar del Río. Forestry and Environmental Sciences, 1(2). Retrieved from
Scientific Original Article
Author Biography

Daily Ilieva Rojas Gonz, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Estudiante de Ingeniera Forestal, Quinto Año.


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