Methodology to diminish the influence of the growth stresses on the quality of the wood sawed in Eucalyptus sp

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Damián Guerra Castell


The influences of the growth stresses about the quality of the sawed wood have been a great problem for the industry, mainly for the species of quick growth, making a bigger emphasis in the gender Eucalyptus. The investigation has been carried out in the Lot 59 beached in the field Santa Marta, UEB Silvícola Abreus belonging to the Provincial EFI Cienfuegos. The objective of the investigation goes directed toward defining a method that facilitates to diminish the growth stresses in the species Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell and Eucalyptus saligna Smith, mainly to minimize the wooden losses in coastal for the influence of the crack magnitude as much in trees as in pieces and the defect of the taper turnin who impact directly about the good quality of the sawed wood, what impedes that this wood you can use in the population's dissimilar necessities and that they substitute the beautiful wood of high economic and ecological value since many are in extinction danger. The used method was that of ringing in trees in foot and pieces of the species before mentioned. Variable dasometric was calculated and later on the investigation was validated statistically to see how feasible it is the method.

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How to Cite
Guerra Castell, D. (2015). Methodology to diminish the influence of the growth stresses on the quality of the wood sawed in Eucalyptus sp. Forestry and Environmental Sciences, 1(2). Retrieved from
Scientific Original Article
Author Biography

Damián Guerra Castell, Universidad de Pinar del Río “Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca”

Estudiante de Ingeniería Forestal



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