Proposal of the interpretative path "The real wonderful". Guanahacabibes Biosphere Reserve

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Dania Rosa Hernandez Ortiz


Interpretive hiking is understood as an activity of alternative tourism within the ecotourism segment, where the visitor walks through a predefined path and equipped with signs or guided by interpreters, whose specific purpose is the knowledge of the natural, cultural and local environment. The Guanahacabibes Biosphere Reserve, commercializes several interpretive trails, in recent years the demand for visitation has increased, which makes the offer insufficient. It is proposed then to design the interpretive trail Lo Real Maravilloso, in a distant area about 3 km from the visitor center of the park. The methodology proposed by Cifuentes was used, from 1992 to the present. The trail is calculated the physical load capacity, the actual load capacity, and the park's handling capacity, giving an effective load capacity of 16 visitors per day. A review is made of the main attractions at several stops on the trail that offer views of the landscape, rich diversity and endemic flora and fauna, as well as speleological sites such as caves and cenotes.

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How to Cite
Hernandez Ortiz, D. R. (2019). Proposal of the interpretative path "The real wonderful". Guanahacabibes Biosphere Reserve. Forestry and Environmental Sciences, 4(1), 21–33. Retrieved from
Scientific Original Article


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